Large Custom Coils
Uniquely Bent and Fabricated to your Specs
As a bender and fabricator of a full range of custom heating and cooling coils, here at Triad Products we also have the capabilities and know how to make those large, one of a kind, uniquely configured cooling coils.
We also have the capabilities to change the rate of the coil midway through the coil. For instance, we can change the repeat of the coil from every 1 inch to every 2 inches, to be able to accommodate your unique cooling application. We can also take care of that secondary operation, whether it includes the flaring of the end of the ¼” OD stainless steel tube for a precision fit or fabricate a custom end configuration, Triad has the solution. Engineering assistance available.
Our equipment can fabricate large coils from aluminum, steel, stainless steel, copper tubing, specializing in medium volume runs in quantities of 100s to 1,000s. Call us today to see how we can assist you with your large custom cooling and heating coil requirements.
Triad Products is your Custom Coil Manufacturer
Choosing a component manufacturer is an important decision. By researching their production capabilities, quality standards, expertise, and customer service, you will know all you need to select the right OEM supplier for your business.
Learn more about what it means to partner with Triad—a trusted OEM manufacturer in tube bending.
Contact Triad Products Today
To learn more about our large custom coils, contact us or request a quote today.
An example of a large 12” in diameter cooling coil made out of 3/8” aluminum tubing, 32” long.
Large cooling coils using ½” stainless steel tubing, 18” long. They are comprised of 30 revolutions about 5 ½ “ in diameter. Secondary operations included.
In this large cooling coil, we changed the repeat of the aluminum cooling coil from every 1 inch, to a coil every 2 inches.